Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pemberley -18 Months

Dear Pemberley,
18 months. A year and a half. In six months, you'll be TWO YEARS OLD.


I can't even begin to tell you how much FUN you are right now! I know I've said this before, but this is totally my favorite age so far. You're such a silly, carefree, happy little girl. Here you are, at your 18 month check up!

Before I get too ahead of myself, at 18 months you...
-weigh 24.4 pounds (71st percentile)

-are 32.7 inches long (75th percentile)

-wear size four diapers 

-are in 18 month clothes

-know about 10 words (cat, uh oh, Peppa, toot, and Dad are your favorites)

-still think that the dogs are cats

-have 12 teeth, and are working on 4 more as I type

-LOVE to eat and to drink water

-refuse to let me put your hair in pigtails, ponytails, and/or bows 99% of the time

-will read the book "Toot" all day long 

-sleep 12-13 hour stretches at night in your crib, and take a two-ish hour afternoon nap

-love showing off for both sets of grandparents

-love taking Waverley's paci out of her mouth

I went sifting through my pictures since the last toddler update, intending to pick a few out for this post, and I seriously almost burst into tears. You're getting so big! I swear I just blinked and suddenly you're this little person who knows what she wants and how to get it. It's so much fun watching you learn new words; you can practically see the wheels in your brain turning when you try to talk. 

Except right here. Here, you're #allaboutthatfood

((That hair! Don't even get me started. And the cheeks. Ahhh!))

One of your new favorite past-times is taking walks in the stroller. You'll walk to the back door and repeat "Out. Out. Out." until I give in. Lately we've been loading up you and Waverley and walking to Sonic for slushies and lemonades. This was our first trip there. Clearly, Mommy and Daddy have a lot to learn, seeing as we let you get your own big girl drink of water...
...only to realize you're not *quite* ready to drink from a cup with a lid that isn't screwed on...

And girl, you love your sunglasses! Whenever you put them on, Daddy and I always call you 'Miss Hollywood' because it's pretty clear from the smile on your face that you think you are hot stuff!

If the above picture doesn't totally and perfectly capture your personality, I don't know what does. I've said it before and I'll say it again--you are such a fun, sweet little girl. You make this parenting thing pretty easy, and we are so lucky you're our daughter. We love you, big girl!! Happy 18 months!!!!!!!


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