Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving 2016

Hi little one,
Happy Thanksgiving!!! We celebrated at home, and you basically played all day while Daddy and I slaved away in the kitchen.

(Kidding. We popped the turkey in the oven, forgot about it for hours, and played with you!) Here are the delicious highlights::

And here is your tiny little Thanksgiving plate. We usually put your food directly on your tray because you have a tendency to chuck a plate on the floor for the dogs, but we decided what the hell...let's be fancy in honor of the holiday. Surprisingly, you did pretty great!!

Yes, those are your pajamas. Yes, it's about 6 o'clock at night. Yes, none of us changed into "real clothes", and no. I don't feel bad about it :)
We were a little sad that we didn't get to see any family on Thanksgiving, but that didn't make it any less special for us. Daddy and I are thinking about making every Thanksgiving "our" holiday, where we get to celebrate with just you and baby sis, and start our own family traditions (which I promise will include more than watching football and overeating in the future - although we did plenty of both of those this year!).

Daddy and I are SO thankful that we have such an amazing, smart, beautiful, and healthy baby toddler girl. It's hard to believe how much our lives have changed in the past two years, and I hope you know that we're never going to stop being thankful for every moment we have with you.

I love you, my little turkey!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fall snaps and autumn leaves

Hi little one,
JoSnaps was awesome enough to take our fall pictures at Loose Park in Kansas City (she's the very talented lady who also took your smash cake pictures!). Here are some of my favorites...there were over 120 to choose from, so know that even though there are a lot here, I did show some restraint!!

The last one is my favorite, if I had to pick. I love your eyes, and that sweet smile. I can't wait to see what our Christmas family pictures look like! 
Love, love, love,

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Hi little one,
Happy second Halloween! You were the.most.adorable little lamb. I had so much fun getting you dressed up, and I know Daddy had fun taking you out. We even collected a nice little bag of candy (otherwise known as chocolate "birth tax" for your mommy to eat). I'm so excited for next year, when we can take you and your little sister in matchy-matchy costumes! I might have already started thinking about what you two will be... (no surprise there!).

We did a test run of your costume here at home, and then when I looked at the weather (a chilly 50 degrees), I decided to add a onesie and some tights for the trick-or-treating part. Here are some of my favorite pictures::

  Kaiser, the big bad wolf, and Pemberley, the innocent little lamb!

I love you, my little baby toddler ! So so so much. Now to start planning for Thanksgiving! Fall is in the air!

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