Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Year in Review

Hi little one,
In order to celebrate New Year's Eve, I thought we'd switch things up and do a year in review...with pictures. Here are some of the highlights of 2014.

I love you, baby girl. I hope 2015 is the best year yet!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas favorites

Hi little one,
Christmas is coming up soon! We are planning to spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family at Uncle Erick and Aunt Chrissy's house (where we will feast on Long John Silver's fish and hushpuppies, garlic spaghetti, and Italian salad. And your mommy will eat like a pig), and then we will spend Christmas Day at our home, just the three of us, and open presents from Gigi and Pa G. It's going to be very special, baby girl!

In preparation for this, we did a little Christmas-themed photo shoot. You did such a good job! Here you are, in your holiday gear (and birthday suit!).


Another reason this is a special holiday season is because you finally got to meet your cousin, Evan. Auntie Darcy and Uncle Scott were in town because Auntie Darcy interviewed for a fancy doctor position with Children's Mercy Hospital. We all got together for a delicious dinner at Auntie Sally and Uncle Eli's house while they were here and celebrated Christmas a little early. Here are all of the littlest Groesbecks! 

Last but not least, here is your Christmas favorites wish list.  I'm really excited for the day when you can pick out your own gifts! 

Merry first Christmas, Pemberley! I love you SO MUCH!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pemberley - Two months

Hi little one,
Daddy and I just can't believe that you're already two months old! You're growing before our eyes and sometimes it's so hard for me to watch. I want to keep you a tiny little girl forever, but Daddy is excited for when he can teach you to ride Dolce like a pony. (He's kidding...I think.)

At two months, you...
-weigh 11 pounds 6 ounces (90th percentile)

-are 23.7 inches long (75th percentile)

-have a head circumference of 15 inches (95th percentile)

-wear 0-3 month sleepers and 3 month onesies and pants

-are in size 1/2 diapers

-coo and talk for good stretches during the afternoon

-still sleep through the night, and have pretty much established a routine for yourself

-have just started blowing bubbles

-play with your tongue and suck on your hands

-respond to noises (read: dogs barking and mommy yelling) 

-track movement with your eyes

-aren't shy with your smiles!

Fussy baby, fussy parents:: At your two month checkup, you got your first round of vaccinations and we got a taste of what it's like to have a fussy baby. I'll admit, I cried a little when they gave you the shots in your legs. You took it like a champ, though, and quit crying almost immediately after I started nursing you in the doctor's office. You slept a majority of the afternoon, and even through the meeting with your new day care provider, Ms. Jennifer. It wasn't until about 8pm that you spiked a small fever and started telling us you were uncomfortable. Daddy rushed out to Walgreens and bought you some infant Tylenol and Auntie Sally reassured us that your fever and discomfort were normal. Daddy also slept on the couch that night while I stayed up with you. It was probably the longest night we've had since bringing you home from the hospital! But we'll do whatever we need to so that you're safe and healthy.

I love you SO much, my big girl! Two

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

We Love and Miss You, Poppie

Hi little one,
I would like to use this entry to tell you about your great-grandpa, Stan.

Poppie never went anywhere without a coupon. He was infamous for bringing plastic baggies to a casino buffet and filling them with food when he thought no one looking. He was the first one to pull Pita's tail when he walked by, but the only one Pita would cuddle with. Poppie would go to Royals games and try to scam you out of money by trying to distract you while you played quarters. He'd also wear salted peanuts as earrings at the games, despite getting funny looks from other Royals fans ("What is this guy doing??"). He invented the phrase "smell the cake", and wouldn't hesitate to smash your face in it if you were dumb enough to fall for it.

He was also someone who put his family first, above anything and everyone else.  He said a blessing every year on Christmas Eve, and he meant every word. He believed in forgiveness. He helped however he could, even if helping meant just listening. He told you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to hear. He was sincere. More than anything else, he wanted the best for all of his kids, grand kids, and great-grandchildren, and for us all to get along and love each other as a family.

He was a good man, and I can't wait to tell you stories about him as you grow older. One of his last wishes before he passed on was to meet you. He loved it when we took off your socks so he could touch your tiny little feet! Pemberley, he loved that so much. After he was admitted to the hospital, that was one of the only times I saw him smile.

The world lost a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, soldier, baseball fan, and amazing man. His memory will live on in our hearts forever.

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