Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 02

Hi little one,

It is officially October! I can't believe it. I really can't. I've been pregnant with you all year and it's finally your birth month. Happy 38 weeks, Pemberley :)

Some TMI:: Mommy is progressing nicely, according to the doctors. Last week I was almost 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, and this week we are at 2.5cm and 70%. Everyone at work says you'll be early, but I think you'll be right on time, although you're more than welcome to come early. My ankles certainly wouldn't mind, since they're swollen to epic proportions...seriously, whose feet are these, even??!

Some BH:: These Braxton Hicks contractions are no joke. I mean...they hurt like a mother. I guess walking around my classroom, going to Target to get fall decorations, and then going to Michaels to poke around their fall sales is a little much, but it's seriously unnecessary to start wondering if I'm going to birth you in the parking lot because I'm in so much pain! Ugh. Why can't they just be the real thing so we can meet you already??

Panther Shower:: My coworkers are 100% amazing! They threw us the sweetest baby shower for you last Friday. The decorations, the company...I can't wait for you to meet all of these amazing people someday. I am truly blessed to work with such a supportive, creative, and caring group! Here are some pictures!

Elephants Everywhere:: The pictures are up, the curtains are ironed and hung. Your room is 99% complete. I'm going to get a small white nightstand to put next to the glider, but other than that, we're finally good to go! Your nursery is officially my favorite room in the house, and I can't wait for the day when you get to see it. Daddy and I put so much care into making it the perfect space, and I just know you're going to grow up to love it as much as I do. And I *really* hope you like elephants. Mommy went a little nuts.

I think that's all for now, Little Miss Girl. I love you so much and can't believe we are down to our final two weeks!


  1. I never had the privilege of going through pregnancy. For those of us who haven't gone through it, we glamorize it a lot! We think pregnant women just look so beautiful, even when they're waddling around! We assume it's all roses and happy thoughts until labor, when it's screaming for a few minutes and out pops a miracle!

  2. 2 weeks to go - so exciting! Take it easy, rest will help calm the BH and keep the swelling down. Looking forward to your happy news soon x

  3. How awesome. Looks like a fun shower!

  4. Only 2 more weeks! Can't wait to see your lil pumpkin! Wish you lived near me - I would love to make cookies for your shower.

  5. I'm just awwwing over all this. I remember my mom having the same ankle problems when she was pregnant with the other kids :)

    Sarah Allen
    (Writing Blog)


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