Toddler News. It's weird to write and even weirder to say out loud. You're getting so big, and learning new things every day. I know I kind of suck at updating your blog, but I promise I'll get better. I mean, I have to--you're doing so much new stuff and I don't want to miss a thing!
First. You just look older. You're losing all of your adorable chubbs baby fat now that you're walking everywhere (and sometimes trying to run...especially when it's away from the dogs). And did I even mention the fact that you're walking yet?! It's the weirdest thing, to see you randomly stand up and just take off. Like...when did my big girl get so BIG? Here you are at Oak Park Mall looking way older than you actually are, and you're getting ready to dig into some Original's Pizza. Which brings me to my second point...
Third. Dress. You still wear a majority of your 12 month clothes, even though you're 14 months old now. The 18 month clothes (and pajamas in particular) are too long in the arms and too big in the waist in most brands. Since turning one, you've rocked a fur vest AND a leather coat, so you're quite the little mini-fashionista-in-the-making. Until I let Daddy dress you. Then you look like this:
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Never again will your Daddy be allowed to pick out your clothes. I promise. |
Of course, doing every day things wearing absolutely nothing but a diaper is also totally normal for you. For example this time, when we found you eating Daddy's protein powder. I swear I thought I locked the pantry up before I walked into the laundry room. People weren't kidding when they said to never leave a toddler alone for any amount of time...
Fourth. The car. You are still rear-facing in your car seat, and you don't mind it at all. You usually fall asleep within minutes, but when you don't, it's not totally rare for you and I to have full conversations while I drive. You're a babble machine (just like your mama)! You're also all smiles when I go to get you out. See what I mean?
But Daddy and I also take you out of your seat and let you test drive the car from time to time. You can't *quite* reach the pedals just yet, but you know. #lifegoals
Fifth. Last. Sleeping. You're making up for all of the sleepless nights you had between birth and your first birthday. You are the BEST sleeper! And as much as I wish I could tell you the magic secret, I think it just boils down to us having to wait until you were ready to sleep through the night. Now that you do, though...what a difference! 12-14 hour stretches are commonplace, and on weekend mornings, I LOVE IT. I'll admit it. I feel like less of a "mombie" (mom/zombie) and more like myself. And you're happier too:: when you wake up, you have the best smile on your face!
But you have started doing a kind of weird(?) thing while you sleep, however. Someimes I'll wake up to pee and I'll check in on you via the Dropcam monitor. Many times, you're sitting upright in your crib, like Paranormal Baby or something. You never make a sound or give any other indication that you're awake, and it's seriously the freakiest thing to see you just sitting there, hanging out in your crib at midnight.
So, that's it. You're a big girl, and getting bigger every day. You love bringing me your baby when I ask for it, and you recently learned the word "up". You yell "UP!" after you walk to your highchair and indicate that you're hungry. You repeat "UP! UP! UP!" until we pick you up and set you on the couch with us. And you love to throw the ball to Rusty in the living room and then try to take it out of his mouth when he gets it. It really does make my heart swell when I see you doing such big girl things.
We're going to get ready for your second Christmas in about a week. I will of course keep this updated with all of our Christmas break shenanigans, and I'm too excited to post pictures of your adorbs Christmas dress!!!
I love you so much my big girl,
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