Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18

Hi little one,
Here's our weekly chalkboard! Happy birthday to your daddy in two days :) the big 3-0...I've been in my 30s for a few years, but your daddy has no idea what he's in for. A wife and a daughter, all in the same year! Whew.

A day for daddies: Father's Day was Sunday. Even though daddy is still technically a "daddy-to-be" right now, we still celebrated with cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory, our go-to celebratory dessert place. Here's daddy, before he devoured his piece of Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake. I don't think I've ever seen him look happier :)

Ouch: On Monday night I was sitting on the couch, just minding my own business, when my tummy got really hard and tight very suddenly. It was like I had been clenching my stomach muscles for a long time. Being the *doctor* that I am, I Googled it, and it turns out I might have experienced something called Braxton Hicks contractions. Nothing to worry about, and it hasn't happened since, but man. That almost knocked your mama out! I'm definitely going to have to mentally prepare for labor is 17-ish weeks.

Wedding: We have gotten A LOT done for the wedding this past week. I made the cake topper, a hanging banner for our sweetheart table, and the tags for the wedding favors. Those had to be cut and hand-stamped so they took forever but they're perfect now. I also had to do the cake topper twice because I messed up and bought the wrong color of green glitter. But it's whatever...I just want things to look nice! We've been working diligently on the mason jars for the flowers. Daddy is a much better wire cutter than I am, so he's been working hard on doing that for me while he watches reruns of The Office. We have 24 jars done, and only 12 more to go! There is still a ton of stuff to do, but I think as long as we stay focused we'll get it all done on time. Next week I'll be done with work, so I will have a lot more free time to devote to all things Whalen-Groesbeck. Only 9 more days!

That's all for now. I'm off to eat dinner and deal with the cats. Meagram is being MEAN to Disco...she's trapped her on the stairs and it's not exactly a fair fight since Meegs outweighs Disco by at least five pounds.

I love you, baby girl!


  1. Yummmmm Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. You got it to go, I see? That's a good idea. My husband never has room for cheesecake after eating a meal there because everything else is so good! I learned long ago to get something light so I'll have room left.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby! Did someone mention cheesecake?!! Yummmmm!


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