I hardly know where to begin. You're learning and growing by leaps and bounds and it's hard to catch up! It seems like every day your Daddy and I figure out something new that you learned, or realize that a pair of pants that fit you the night before are suddenly too small. You're growing up before our eyes and it's so bittersweet to see! Where oh where to begin...?
Let's start with the pets. You walk around the house going, "At! Aaaaat!" You're of course yelling cat, but Meagram chooses to ignore you and Disco runs away in fear that you'll step or sit on her. You also LOVE to meow back at them. We'll ask you, "How does the cat go?" And you make literally the.most.adorable attempt at a meow. I'm going to miss it when you start "for real" talking; your translations are just too cute! I'm also very pleased that you like the cats, while Daddy shakes his in disbelief that you said the word cat before the word doggy - haha!
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#catloverlikehermommy #futuretroublemakingBFFs |
Of course, your love for all things feline doesn't stop you from spending quality time with the dogs. Here you are, after just having eaten breakfast. I was in the living room for a minute when it occurred to me that you were very quiet. Too quiet. So I got up to find you and Rusty, hanging out in the dog crate. I managed to get this picture right after he bolted and right as you were crawling out. Safe to say you've found a little hideaway...
You also love sharing food with the dogs, and by sharing, I mean giving your food to them and eating theirs as well. Daddy bought a new huge container for the dog food and put it next to the dog crate in the breakfast nook. I swear I was only in the bathroom for five seconds when I walked out to find that the following had gone down:
1) You opened the top of the container and got out the cup we use to measure the dog food with,
2) Rusty and Dolce were feasting as fast as they could on as much dog food as possible, and
3) You can fit a hell of a lot of dog food in your mouth in the time it takes me to walk from the hallway to the kitchen.
Daddy was proud when I told him what happened.
So, about food. You're still my little chunker when it comes to eating. You have gotten maybe a little pickier in the past few months, but it's really hard to tell if it's you actually being picky, or me just being a terrible cook. By and large though, breakfast is your jam. You can pack away six mini pancakes, a whole banana AND some yogurt with z-e-r-o difficulty. We've recently begun giving you a toddler spoon to help you start learning how to use silverware. Let's just say it's a skill in progress :)
Helping me in the kitchen is also a new favorite way for the two of us to bond. I can't help but smile when I'm unloading the dishwasher, and I look over to see this::
See what I mean? Little. Miss. Trouble! I actually bought you a pink play kitchen, but Daddy hadn't had time to put it together just yet. I'm hoping once he does you'll be more inclined to play with it, instead of in our drawers...
Other things you've learned include how to open the door from the hallway to the garage (so you can let big fat Meagram escape, and it's totally adorbs when I tell you, "Daddy's home!!" and you run to open the door for him), how to 'wear' my glasses, to walk over to the changing table when you need a diaper change, and how to crawl up the stairs at lightning speed. I'm a proud mama when I can say, "Pemberley, let's go upstairs!" and you walk right over to the baby gate and wait for me to unlock it. (I'm also a very thankful mama, because carrying you up the stairs and being 34 weeks pregnant is like, the opposite of easy.)
I've also come to adore how much you love your new car seat! The Graco Size4Ever straps just weren't working out for us. We'd buckle you in, make sure they were the correct tightness, and then by the time I got to daycare in the mornings, they'd be slack. As much as we're on the road, I didn't want to chance anything happening to you. We upgraded to a Diono Radian RXT and you LOVE it! It helps you do crazy things with your hair when you pull out your ponytail...
...and it has enough space that you can comfortably sit with your blanket, a cup of water, and a book. This picture warms my heart...it gives me hope that someday you'll become an avid reader and lover of books just like your mommy! (Even though I'll admit the only thing you were doing with that particular book was searching and yelling for the picture of the "aaaaaaaattttt!")
I think my favorite thing you've learned to date is where your belly button is, though. We'll ask you, and the cutest little smile flashes across your face before you lift up your shirt and show us. And girl, you are not shy! You'd walk around showing off your tummy all day if we let you ;)
You've become quite the Daddy's Little Helper, too. I love to see you follow him around and try to mimic what he's doing - banging on the walls while he nails something up, 'hammering' something down, or even picking out paint at Home Depot.
You're quite our little princess, as you can tell. We love you so much, and get so excited the more we watch you grow. You're such a smart, beautiful little girl and we are so lucky to call you our daughter!
With all of the love in the world,
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