Dear Pemberley and Waverley,
You have been sisters for four months now, and I can barely remember a time when you two weren't. Seeing the two of you together is the best feeling in the world, and it's only going to get better from here on out! (And Waverley, I promise you are not nearly as terrified of Pemberley as you look in these pictures!)
It took me awhile to get used to basically seeing double, because the two of you were practically identical newborns. I put together a few comparison pictures and had Daddy and your grandmas try to guess who is who in them. They're harder than you might think!
Left: Pemberley - Right: Waverley |
Left: Waverley - Right: Pemberley |
Over the past four months, there are some phrases I truly can't believe I have uttered, mostly directed at you, Pemberley. These include:
-Fingers do NOT go in your sister's eye/mouth/ear/other eye/nose/other ear.
-No, her paci does not belong in the dog fountain.
-No, Waverley does not want your Cheez-It.
-For fuck's sake, she doesn't want your boogers, either.
Pemberley, you adore your little sis. You're always walking up to her and saying, "Baby! Baby!" about an inch from her face. You love looking at my phone to see her picture, and you have gotten super good at hauling ass around the corner to see what's going on when she cries out. Your gentle touches have also gotten A LOT better, which I really, really appreciate. You didn't even mind too much when she yanked some hair out after you practically body slammed on top of her.
Waverley, you LOVE looking at Pemberley to see what she's up to. You've gotten really good at turning your head to follow her around the living room, and you are constantly turning your head to follow her voice (like that one time when she went "HIIIII-YAAA!" and roundhouse kicked her sippy cup across the kitchen floor, or the other time when she was walking around singing Bieber at the top of her lungs with a snack cup on her hand in a very Captain Hook-esque manner).
Daddy and I can't wait for the day when you two walk to the park holding hands, or when you're both
stealing each others sharing clothes and reading the same books. For now, though, we'll take all of the sister snuggles we can get!
I love you both so much,