Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pemberley - Six months

Hi little one,
You're half a year old! Happy half birthday! So much has happened that I can't wait to tell you about, but first...your adorable pictures :)

As you can see, you finally started to realize your bows are perhaps a bit on the big side. It was really hard to get a good picture of you with your elephant this month, because all you wanted to do was figure out how to balance that big bow on your little head. Hilarity ensued, and this was the best we could get.

So at six months, you...
 -weigh 16 pounds even (46th percentile)

-are 26.5 inches long (72nd percentile. Something fishy is gong on, because you were .1 inch longer last month!)

-have a head circumference of 17 inches (75th percentile)

-still wear size 3 diapers

-are in 6 month onesies, but 6-9 month pants

-are still teething. I'm beginning to wonder if they're ever going to pop through!

-use your first two fingers to self-soothe, and they work almost instantaneously

-have rolled back to front! Except you only do it when Daddy and I aren't watching :( 

-can sit unassisted for a few minutes at a time, and prefer to sit up rather than be on your back

-love to look at tags and labels on your toys

-pretty much sleep through the night, only waking up once to eat

-have quite the sassy little attitude! (see picture below)

Sleeping:: So there was one point a few weeks ago, when I thought I was literally going to lose my damn mind. Seriously, Pemberley, you were getting up every two to three hours to eat. I thought the four month sleep regression was bad and you Between driving to work, working, driving home, and getting no sleep at all, I was headed for an extended stay at Two Rivers Mental Hospital. And then we went to your 6 month check up and I had an epiphany after I broke down in tears when Dr. Gaffney asked me why I looked like shit. I explained to her that you wanted to eat alllllllllll throughout the night and it clicked: You weren't eating enough before falling asleep, so you woke up hungry! We changed things up a bit at the doctor's suggestion. Daddy now gives you a 6 ounce bottle before bedtime, and voila! Magic! Success! THANK GOD! You're back to sleeping 7am-3:45am. I'm well rested, Daddy doesn't have to hear me complain anymore, and I'm sure the cats and dogs are happier because I'm not shooting them death looks anymore.

My Grown Up Girl:: I'm sure you've heard me talk about my BabyBump friends.  One of them posted a picture of her kid with 'make up' on using to the Perfect 360 app. Then I got to wondering what you would look like with make up and hair, so I had a little fun...Daddy thinks this is way inappropriate, but I think you're just the cutest thing! So funny!

That's all for now, my sweet big girl! I can't believe you're 6 months old. Where did the time go?
With so much love,


  1. Those pics of her all grown up lol!! She's so beautiful tho!

  2. Hey girl. Make sure you check your emails. You won my Klose To My Heart giveaway. :)


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