We have been so busy! I had my first ever week long spring break. Five glorious days off with you! I'll admit, I was a little worried how we would fill our time, but it turns out that we were able to stay pretty busy.
Monday we kicked back and eased into our week. You napped quite a bit (thanks to a six month growth spurt). I know I've told you before, but you look like a little angel when you nap! And it's very easy to tell when you're tired...Those two fingers just pop right in, and you're asleep within minutes.After your morning nap, we hung out in bed and you spent almost an hour discovering your feet. I swear, Pemberley, I have never seen you so entertained! You kept grabbing them and then giggling when you accidentally tickled yourself. It's hard not to smile from ear to ear when I see that tiny freckle on your left leg, or when I squeeze those chubby little thighs!
We also practiced sitting up. You're thisclose to doing it on your own, and sometimes you get kind of frustrated when you tip over. I know you're ready to sit unassisted and be Little Miss Independent, but I am definitely not anywhere close. Where did my newborn baby go??
When you got tired of hanging out at home, we went to Target to do a little shopping. On impulse, I bought your first sippy cup! We waited until Daddy got home and then let you try it out with a little milk. It was fun watching you try to hold it up, tip it back, and drink at the same time, but you definitely need a little more practice.
Later that afternoon, we got to go over and help babysit Griffin while Auntie Sally took Reagan to a doctor's appointment. I would have snapped a picture with you and your cousin, but he was using up all of his toddler energy running around, blowing bubbles, and flirting with the little girl next door (your cousin knows how to mack like the best of them, I'll tell you what!).
Once we got home, you snuggled with your Daddy and flashed me the smile that tells me you know you've got him wrapped around your little finger :)

We took Grannie out to lunch at 54th St Grill and Bar after we left Grandma Joanne's school. We ended up staying a long time and just talking. Grannie misses Poppie so much, and I know selling her house and packing things for her move at the end of April is really, really hard for her. She gets pretty emotional when she talks about how proud of you Poppie would have been. I try my best to remind her that he gets to look down on you from heaven whenever he wants. (Ignore my crappy photography skills. I swear your great grandma has a full head.)
So, that was our week! I am still sorting through all of your Easter pictures from yesterday, so be patient as I write that entry in the next few days.
I love you, big girl!
Daddy and I are still in the process of completing our master bathroom remodel thanks to our shower crapping out last year, so we spent Tuesday at home while someone installed our shower doors. It was pretty uneventful for the most part. I made our Easter chalkboard while you sat in your bouncy swing and played with your favorite rattle from Gigi.
Busy day for us! First thing we did was play an April Fool's Day joke on your Daddy. I was cracking up, but he didn't exactly appreciate my sense of humor...(Not that we wouldn't love to make you a big sister someday, but not *just* yet!)Later that afternoon, we got to go over and help babysit Griffin while Auntie Sally took Reagan to a doctor's appointment. I would have snapped a picture with you and your cousin, but he was using up all of his toddler energy running around, blowing bubbles, and flirting with the little girl next door (your cousin knows how to mack like the best of them, I'll tell you what!).
Once we got home, you snuggled with your Daddy and flashed me the smile that tells me you know you've got him wrapped around your little finger :)
Another busy day! We went to see Grandma Joanne at work so she could show you off, and we took your Grannie out to a delicious lunch while we were in Lee's Summit. Your Grandma's face just lit up when she saw you, and she whisked you away to brag on your cuteness to her co-workers. (I was lucky to get the picture when I did. Right after I took it, Grandma Joanne stuck her finger in your mouth and you bit down so hard that you drew blood. She wasn't so smiley after that...)
We took Grannie out to lunch at 54th St Grill and Bar after we left Grandma Joanne's school. We ended up staying a long time and just talking. Grannie misses Poppie so much, and I know selling her house and packing things for her move at the end of April is really, really hard for her. She gets pretty emotional when she talks about how proud of you Poppie would have been. I try my best to remind her that he gets to look down on you from heaven whenever he wants. (Ignore my crappy photography skills. I swear your great grandma has a full head.)
Friday was pretty uneventful, which was nice considering how busy our week was. We usually do pizza Fridays at home, but Daddy and I changed things up and we all went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Fronteras. It was kind of late for you and you were a little fussy from teething, so as we finished up I gave you an ice cube to gum. It's the first time you've ever had anything that cold in your mouth! And your expression says it all...not.having.it.So, that was our week! I am still sorting through all of your Easter pictures from yesterday, so be patient as I write that entry in the next few days.
I love you, big girl!
She is SO cute asleep!!
ReplyDeleteAnd your husbands reaction is hilarious lol lol
I cracked up at the joke you played on your husband! Your daughter is adorable, and this will be such a fun journal to share with her someday!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Pemberley is 6 months old! Love your April Fool's, glad you are enjoying spring xx
ReplyDeleteShe is ADORABLE!