Sunday, June 21, 2015

Daddy's Weekend | Birthday

Hi little one,
This was a big weekend for Daddy:: his 31st birthday and Father's Day all rolled into one!

We celebrated his 31st birthday by going out to a delicious brunch at First Watch. I think we might make brunches like this one a birthday tradition. I meant what's a better way of celebrating than with pancakes and sandwiches, and some love for the birthday boy from his big girl??

After we ate, we came home for a quick cat nap before heading to IKEA! (This 95+ degree heat zaps energy out of us like whoa.) We didn't shop for anything in particular, but had fun walking around any way. We were also stopped several times by old ladies who couldn't help but gush on your cuteness :) that brought a big smile to Daddy's face every time!

Daddy made his special pizza for dinner (I have to take a second and tell you how DELICIOUS the crust is with ranch seasoning baked in. MMMMMM!) and then he opened all of your presents. Undies, socks, and man perfume!

All in all, it was a pretty good day! Daddy hit the jackpot because he gets to celebrate his birthday, his first Father's Day, AND our first anniversary all in the same month! I can't WAIT to see his face when he opens your Father's Day present tomorrow!

With so much love,


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband! I hope his Father's Day was awesome as well!! Xoxo

  2. Sounds like the perfect celebration weekend! IKEA rules. I enjoy just walking around in there, too--although the closest one to us is four hours away.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubs!


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