Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sickyfaces and Pancakes

Hi little one,
First. I know I kind of suck lately at updating your blog. You're doing so many neat things, like crawling at lightening speed (especially when you see us coming and you're being ornery) and walking along the furniture, and talking so much more! And I've done a terrible job documenting it for you...but, in my defense, you've been feeling REALLY sick lately and I feel guilty taking pictures of you when you aren't feeling well.

So Daddy did it. This is at your doctor's appointment, before you were diagnosed with pink eye, a runny nose, and toddler diarrhea. Even though you were smiling, you can tell you're in pain. Your little red eyes and tiny red nose...just ahhh. I hate it.

Dr. Gaffney prescribed Zithromax for 5 days, and this is a picture I took of you scarfing down some morning pancakes after day two of the medication. Quite the difference, right?! I love your scrunchy little nose and being able to see all of your teefies!

We're about a week late on your 11 month pictures, but I couldn't bear trying to get you to smile and dress you up while you felt so miserable. Daddy and I are going to take them this weekend after the ALS walk that we're doing (your first fundraiser, and for someone we hold so close to our hearts), and I'll post them soon.

We love you, baby girl. (And I don't even care if you're not technically a baby anymore. You'll always be my little baby girl.)
Love, love, love,

1 comment:

  1. She has so much hair!
    Hope she feels better soon. Looking forward to seeing what she does for her big 1st birthday. So exciting for her.


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