Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14

Hi little one,
So glad it's Friday! It was a long week at work, and I'm really, really happy we have next Monday off for a short spring break.

Arms and feet, and a sweet little heartbeat: Yesterday I made an appointment for a sonogram. I was just feeling "too good" and I got nervous because I haven't really felt pregnant with you this week! I got myself worked up reading horror stories about other moms, and when listening to your heartbeat on my new fetal doppler didn't even put my mind at ease, I panicked and called the doctor. She was SO KIND and arranged for a sonogram today after work. And I got to see the most perfect picture of your little tiny arms and little tiny legs! You are so perfect! Your little heart is just beating away, and you're only the size of a green olive! Here is how sweet you are at 9 weeks and 2 days.

Wedding: I'm starting to get a little bit stressed out planning our wedding. I know that it's going to be a special day for your daddy and me, but I feel like sometimes we just can't do right by anyone. Who gets invited, who doesn't, what favors we're going to have, if my flowers and dress are good enough. It's hard because I want to make this perfect for your daddy, and I'm know he'll be happy with whatever....but. I don't know. Maybe I'm just really hormonal and I'll calm down in a few days. It'll be fine. It has to be. :)

I love you, little olive!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica - love the blog ! When I saw "No Comments", I thought that was a command to not post comments yet, instead of informing us that there were no comments to date. Glad everything is progressing well with baby G. Don't stress out . Everything will be fine. Can't wait to see you guys


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