Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3

Hi little one,
Today was another very blah day.  I literally slept for about 15 hours! The only things that got done around the house were in the kitchen...I unloaded the dishwasher and made dinner. Yes--you read that right. I managed to get out of bed and do only those two things all day! And I ate a lot of snacks. S'mores Pop Tarts and Lucky Charms cereal sounded soooo good!

I know this is normal for being 7-1/2 weeks pregnant, but wow. I'm more of a "make lists and get stuff done" type of person, not a "be lazy around the house and not even have enough energy to shower" type. I don't know how women do this when they have full time jobs AND other kids to take care of! It exhausts me just thinking about it.

But I'm not complaining! I promise. I'd do this every day for the rest of my life if it meant you grow up happy and healthy :)

Here's a picture I took earlier of your pups. Your daddy got mad that they were on the couch snuggling with me while I napped, but I think the look on Rusty's face makes it all worth it!!


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