Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2

Hi little one,
It's been quite the day! I've been sleeping off and on (sooo tired!) And eating. That's it! Eating and sleeping are pretty much my life lately --and trying to keep up with your daddy and the pets. Here's a picture of daddy playing with Dolce while the door he's painting dries. She's going to make a GREAT big sister for you! 

And here's a picture of your daddy with Meagram. She never comes to cuddle on the couch with us, so this is a rare moment! She likes to growl and grumble, and HATES to be picked up. As you can tell by the look on her face, she's not very excited to be a big sister. Yet. 

We finally got to FaceTime with your grandma Gigi and Papa G. Like I said a few days ago, they're SO excited for your October arrival!!! And for you to meet your cousins Evan and Griffin and the other baby G who is due in August. I hope you grow to love your family as much as your daddy and I do :) 

We are going to go upstairs and head for bed. There's no school tomorrow because of the ice and snow, so hopefully we'll have a productive day around the house. Daddy is hinting that the laundry won't fold itself, but we'll see. Stranger things have happened, right?

Love you, little baby!

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