Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23

Hi little one,
Let's see...I was partially correct about this being a busy weekend. The dogs have been busy chasing Meagram all around the house. More than usual...not sure what's up with that. And your daddy has been busy watching Game of Thrones and napping on the couch. I've been busy napping upstairs and working on wedding stuff. Not exactly the weekend I had planned, but then again, it never works out that way.

Wedding: We got the invited in the mail last Thursday, and I was bound to have them mailed by tomorrow. That won't happen. I'm still trying to figure out how to print addresses on the envelopes. It's been more of a pain than I thought. Then I ordered some return address labels from Staples, and they won't be in until today or Monday. So that pushes everything back a little. And this baby brain has me going nuts. I did a test run on an envelope and spelled your Great grandparents' last name wrong :(

Hormones: Yesterday I was crabby! Daddy could do nothing right, and I wanted to throw the computer and printer out of the window when I couldn't address labels. I was out of breath all day, and just generally mad. By the time dinner rolled around, I was so hungry that I couldn't even think. I'm also pretty sure that I've never eaten a Chinese dinner so fast before. And I while enjoyed the food, I got mad because I kept thinking the whole time that what I really wanted was sushi, not moo shu chicken and crab rangoon. I was more than happy to go to bed and try to wake up in a better mood today.

That's all for now. I have to buckle down and grade some papers once this shortness of breath goes away. It's not easy being pregnant, I'll tell you that- but you're worth it. I will post pictures of our appointment tomorrow. I think your great grandma is going to come with us since your daddy can't make it. She's so excited!!!

Love you, tiny baby!

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