Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4

Hi little one,
Happy 34 weeks! Because we are having the family baby shower this weekend, Daddy and I decided this would be a good time to tell you all about your name! It is one that is very special to us. But, before we reveal it to you, here are some names we *almost* decided on...

Of course, all of those look really weird now and we couldn't imagine naming you anything other than what we decided on :) Without further ado...

Pemberley comes from one of your mommy's favorite books, Pride and Prejudice. It's technically the name of Mr. Darcy's estate, but your Daddy and I just love how it sounds and how it looks. We were also very excited to learn that 2013 was the first year that people in America registered the name Pemberley with the Social Security Administration. As far as we know, there are only 8 other Pemberleys! How cool is that??

Your middle name, Olivia, was picked out by your great-grandmother, Frannie. Even though she thought you were a boy at first, she started calling you Olivia from the day we found out you are a little princess. We hope you know how special great-grannie is, and how much we appreciate her input!

Bye Bye Ice: Well, Mommy was right. I got a call from the doctor today and it turns out my iron is indeed pretty low. I have to start taking a supplement every day. Dr. Shipman also said that I could expect my craving to lick chalk to go away (thank GOD. That was so weird!), and that my need for crunching on ice will most likely fade too. That makes me sad :( at this point in my pregnancy, there really isn't anything I enjoy more than getting a huge ass cup of ice and just going to town. But I'm sure Daddy is happy, because he complains allllllllllll the time about how obnoxious I sound (which only makes me crunch harder and louder, but that's fine!).

Come Home: Daddy is traveling again this week. When I asked him if there was anything special he'd like for me to include on this week's entry, he only said to make sure I tell you how much he loves and misses you :( We can't wait for him to get back tomorrow!

Nursery Update: We made a lot of progress on your nursery last weekend, I'm very happy to report! The chair rail got put up (fiiiiiiiiiiinally) and I hung a few pictures around your room. Daddy and I also decided on hanging these adorable tissue pompoms from the ceiling. Here's a semi-finished product, with a glimpse of Daddy trying to level the chair rail...
We are still in the process of framing the letters I painted for above your crib, but I figured that since we just announced your name, it's safe to show pictures of our work in progress :)

That's all for now, baby girl. Mommy is having a hard time staying up past 8:30, and it's 8:33. Good thing Daddy isn't home tonight, because I'm really looking forward to sleeping in the middle of our bed after I eat a bunch of crushed ice :)

I love you, Pemberley!


  1. Lovely name choice! And great job on the nursery.
    Happy Monday, Jessica!

  2. It's so special getting the nursery ready for your first baby - enjoy! And well done on deciding on a name xx


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