Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25

Hi little one,
We finally got our act together and took the 28 week bump picture. Technically it's 28 weeks and 2 days, but you get the idea :)
Painting: I made a lot of progress on your nursery today! The bottom half of your walls and part of your closet got painted. I have *big* plans to finish painting this weekend, and probably would have gotten a lot more done today except I ran out of paint. Your mommy has no idea how to calculate how much paint she needs to cover a given space. I hope your math/spatial skills are better than mine...

Just wanted to write this really quickly. I love you so much. It's hard to believe we're down to 83 more days!


  1. I have no clue myself!!! Usually the people at the paint store can tell you that--of course, you have to know the square footage of the space. That's a problem for me, as well!

  2. I have no clue either! I usually start with the largest tin of paint I can find and then buy smaller ones when I run out of paint. Not a very cost effective way, I know.

  3. Such a lovely idea! Your numb is gorgeous (as are you!) Xx

  4. Hi Jessica, Nice to "meet" you. I'm happy you have found me and would be honored to create a lovely piece for you once your beautiful baby girl arrives! (or sooner... whenever really!) It looks like you are truly keeping yourself busy with all these projects. Enjoy this time nesting. It will be so wonderful when baby arrives... I miss that time now that mine are 7, 9, and 11! Crazy how fast time flies! If you are on FB, please give my page some love at:
    All the best, Steph
    (PS. I love Veronica at Of Mice and Ramen!)


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