Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30

Hi little one!
Here's our week 16 bump board. As you can tell, you and your mommy are growing every week! I love making the chalkboard, and your daddy loves taking the picture :)
Next week, you should see a new, bigger, and more improved board. We got a quite hideous picture off of Craigslist for only $5.00 last night and I have serious plans to remake it into a beautiful board that we can use for the next 24 weeks. Let's hope my vision matches my "talent"!

Coffee: To quote your awesome Aunt Sally, I had some "less fun, pregnant coffee" yesterday. But not with your cousin Griffin...with your cousin Marra! It was so good to see her, and she has some fantastic ideas for our wedding. She's such a creative girl, and I am so excited for you to meet her soon! She'll be a great influence whenever you need anything.

Say what?: I've been feeling pretty good this past week. It's nice to have my energy levels return to almost normal. I have been speaking a little nonsense lately, however. I actually tried to use the word 'estimative' in a conversation with your daddy last night. For someone who prides herself on using words correctly, it's been hard for my head to feel so fuzzy. Also, math. Math has never been a strong point of mine (thank GOD your daddy is good at it), but it's been especially hard as of late. I tried to add 10 to 67 and got 76...five times! It didn't even look wrong to me until Susan pointed it out one morning to me at work.! :(

Gigi and Papa G: Your grandparents came up from Topeka last Friday night, and we got to see them for the first time since January. We all got together at your Uncle Eli and Aunt Sally's for a delicious dinner. It was so great to catch up with everyone and plan what we're going to do with our front yard. They'll be coming up again this weekend so we can take a trip to Suburban Lawn and Garden to look at landscaping rocks and plants. Daddy is super excited because he's been wanting to tackle that project for awhile, and I'm ready for you to grow up with a beautiful lawn just like he did.

I think that's all for now. Daddy is making dinner, so I probably should go make sure he isn't burning the chicken or the rice. He's not a bad cook, but it can get crazy in the kitchen when both of the dogs are at your ankles constantly whining and  begging for table scraps!

I love you, little avocado!

1 comment:

  1. Math isn't my strong point too! You look gorgeous with your growing bump, BTW.
    Have a nice day!


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